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Upcoming Events
- Friday, January 24
- Tuesday, February 4
- Tuesday, February 11
- Monday, February 17
- Tuesday, February 18
KES PTA Mission
The Kaechele Elementary School Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is an Organization of Parents, Teachers, and School Staff that advocates for and enhances the educational and social experiences of Kaechele Elementary School students.
By providing resources, co-curricular programming and support to KES students, teachers and staff, we strive to build an energetic, inclusive community. Our goals:
1. We welcome, support, and include every family, teacher and staff member in open communication.
2. We motivate and prepare volunteers.
3. We supplement school resources.
4. We build community and relationships while embracing diversity.
5. We have fun!
In a nutshell, we’re here to make our students, teachers and parents school experience as filled with learning and fun as we possibly can.
KES PTA Board Contacts
Our PTA is made up of hard-working parents & teachers who pool their talents to provide practical support for our school. Those listed below volunteered to provide leadership this year. Get to know their names and faces, and feel free to ask them if you have questions.
Interested in volunteering or getting more information on getting involved? Contact us or complete the Volunteer Interest Survey below!
Executive Officers
President - Laura Berkey
VP of Programs - Lisa Biller & Alexa Carlo-Hickman
Secretary - Kari Livesay
Treasurer - Ryan Francis
Committee Chairs
After School Enrichment - Lisa Biller
Audit Committee - Volunteer Needed
PTA Communications - Rachell Green
Copy Room Volunteer Coordination - Meredith Fauth
Corporate Sponsorships & Donations - Alexa Cservek
County Council PTA Representative - Laura Berkey
Coyote Pup Coordinator - Alyse Brockbank
Fall Festival - Alexa Carlo-Hickman
Fall Student Art Fundraiser - Jill Martin
5th Grade Celebration - Carolyn Brosnihan
Festival of the Arts - Sarah Huddle
Fun Run - Rachell Green
Google Workspace - Volunteer Needed
Hospitality - Kari Livesay
International Night - Jennifer Ross/Rachell Green
Lay Advisory Representative - Vacant
Lego Robotics Club - Nitai Mukhopadhyay
Library Volunteer Coordination - Amy Thomas
Membership - Volunteer Needed
Nominating Committee - Volunteer Needed (Spring)
Reflections - Meredith Fauth
Retail Giveback Programs - Kristi Segall
Room Parent Coordinator - Lisa Biller
School Beautification - Kimberley Manley
School Kits - Volunteer Needed (Spring)
Spirit Nights - Kristi Segall
Spirit Wear - Aishwarya Balagopal
Teacher Appreciation Week - Nina Hodge
Watch DOGS - Dan Brosnihan and Mark Baird
Yearbook - Varisara Tran/Atitiya Rok